A personal experience connecting with Spirit.

Come and experience a personal connection to your Loved Ones in Spirit. 

As a medium I talk directly to Spirit. I never know who will come through or what they will say, but I always ask for information that you need at the time and for those you would like to speak to, to come through, of course spirit are in charge, so we go with the flow as they know what we need before we do.

I always share what I get, there will be tears, laughter and lots of love as your family and friends in the spirit world connect with you again.

I provide tissues and a safe environment to release your feelings, which is so important for your grieving process, tears of laughter are often present too, as your Loved ones will come through in the same way as when they were here on Earth.

To arrange a private reading please Email me at karennashmedium@hotmail.com



〰️to book email karennashmedium@hotmail.com

〰️to book email karennashmedium@hotmail.com

Thanks Karen xx


Policy for bookings:

Payment in Full is required at time of booking.

Any NO SHOWS - NO Refund

I will honour readings if I am notified of any changes within 48 hours of your appointment, and other arrangements will be made. 

Out of courtesy a Text, or message on Facebook to say you cannot make your appointment will be appreciated

NO Notification = No Refund.


Readings and Healings provided by Karen Nash are given in good faith, and for entertainment purposes, in the context of guidance, healing and support. Any actions taken from guidance or advice from the readings, healings and mediumship events that Karen attends, are done so through the choice of the recipient. Nothing is 100% set in stone and you the recipient have complete responsibility of the actions you take. Karen Nash is not a substitute for professional services and should at no time be regarded as so, any legal, medical, financial, psychological or business facts that are given are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. For any such matter you should seek advice from the relevant qualified expert.

When undertaking a reading or healing, you the recipient understands the above disclaimer and agrees to adhere to before you attend your appointment or event.



Individual Readings

 60 minutes AU$150




"Dearest Karen Thank you from the bottom of my heart for today. It was lovely to speak with my departed family and know that they are all at peace. This in turn has given me tremendous peace. I still can not believe how accurate you were from beginning to end. The things you know, nobody else could have known. And I am so glad to know my Nan is with me always even though she is no longer on earth. Thank you Thank you Thank you xxxx"

— N.Q.

"Who else but Karen would drop everything and come right over when you needed help? You are an absolute Angel. Thank you so much Hun. The kids all can't believe ' how down to earth she is lol'."


“Thank u so much for today. Being connected to my step mum has helped me so much I really needed this to help me heal and I feel so much better already, so thank u so so much.”

— J.W.




My Healing Room.

A space to relax, connect and heal.